Chronicles of our actions, thoughts, conversations, and participations
Out now — Hospitality 3.0 Framework
In our quest to redefine hospitality for the modern era, we are proud to present the Hospitality 3.0 Framework, developed following a series of working group sessions, hosted by NYU SPS over the last year. It outlines a transformative approach that integrates hospitality with digital transformation to address pressing global challenges.
Announcing partnership with NYU SPS
The META Foundation has partnered with The NYU School of Professional Studies to launch an ongoing multi-disciplinary forum and research laboratory that explores sustainable and impactful forms of tourism and hospitality which take full advantage of new technologies such as AI, VR/AR, web3, and spatial computing.
Launching a seminar series at Les Roches
The META Foundation is proud to announce the launch of an innovative seminar series in collaboration with Les Roches, one of the world’s leading hospitality schools. This groundbreaking initiative aims to empower students to explore and innovate new forms of 'virtual hospitality' using Web3 concepts, revolutionizing the way we connect and engage in digital spaces.